En film: Vad vore världen utan hantverk

Att undervisa handlar mycket om att skapa mening. Ett sätt är att presentera en berättelse. Faktum är dock att elever läser sin lärare (inkl engagemang) ungefär som de upplever en berättelse. De försöker förstå vad som är poängen. Om det sedan är tillräckligt intressant så vill man göra något liknande i sitt eget liv.

Håkan Berglund-Lake beskriver i ”Kropp, ting och göranden – Om att bo i arbetarkasernernas spiselrum” hur man kan återskapa människors leverne runt ett sågverk i Sundsvall (Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift, Nr 68, 2014). Ansatsen bygger på fenomenologisk grund (Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 1962 [1945], Phenomenology of Perception, London).

Science fiction prototyping, wikipedia

”Twitter- based SFPs are just 140 characters or less (the size of a Twitter message) which equates to about 25 words (in English). Generally a Twitter-SFP will focus on some technology (eg machine, gadget, etc) which includes an action to illustrate its use, plus actors (eg a person) framed in a simple (if partial) narrative, as in any story. Writing such short fiction requires skill and the general advice is to start by (1) identifying the technology, then (2) by creating a plot. A good approach is to start big, then reduce it to less than 140 character.”

”Science fiction is the playground of the imagination. If you are interested in science or fascinated with the future then science fiction is where you explore new ideas and let your dreams and nightmares duke it out on the safety of the page or screen. But what if we could use science fiction to do more than that? What if we could use science fiction based on science fact to not only imagine our future but develop new technologies and products? What if we could use stories, movies and comics as a kind of tool to explore the real world implications and uses of future technologies today?”

Science Fiction Prototyping: Designing the Future with Science Fiction, by Johnson, 2011


Could Storytelling Be the Secret Sauce to STEM Education

”It is widely recognized that science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) are vital workforce skills for a modern competitive economy [1]. Such skills are imparted to students as part of the educational process. However, many economies are reporting that the education system is failing to enthuse students in sufficient numbers to satisfy the STEM industry needs. In parallel with this need for STEM proficiency, the world is becoming increasingly globalized, with competency in foreign languages becoming increasingly important. For example, for non-English speaking emerging economies, the acquisition of a combination of STEM and English language skills is important. In this paper we examine how a new methodology, Science Fiction Prototyping, has been piloted in China and the UK as a means to both inspire students to study STEM subjects, and to support their learning of English language.”

[1] Vic Callaghan, “Buzz-Boarding; Practical Support For Teaching Computing, Based On The Internet-Of-Things” (presentation), 1st Annual Conference on the Aiming for Excellence in STEM Learning and Teaching, Imperial College, London , 12-13 April 2012