What if we had to learn the language of computers: http://011001110110111101101111011001110110110001100101.com/

Om George Siemens skriver ngt är det bäst man läser – Preparing for the Digital University

Uttrycksformer ger elevernas lust att undersöka omvärlden och förmedla egna innehåll och budskap till andra. Med hjälp av 13 färdiga mallar ger Skolverket olika exempel på hur man kan arbeta

Curricula recomendations

In the decades since the 1960s, ACM, along with leading professional and scientific computing societies, has endeavored to tailor curriculum recommendations to the rapidly changing landscape of computer technology. As the computing field continues to evolve, and new computing-related disciplines emerge, existing curriculum reports will be updated, and additional reports for new computing disciplines will be drafted.