Thomas Parke Hughes (1993). Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880-1930

Awarded the Dexter Prize by the Society for the History of Technology, this book offers a comparative history of the evolution of modern electric power systems. It described large-scale technological change and demonstrates that technology cannot be understood unless placed in a cultural context.

The practice turn in conteporary theory

Bodanis, David –
How Electricity Switched on the Modern World, winner of the Aventis Prize in 2006. He has been translated into 26 languages and featured on the cover of The Economist.” På svenska heter den ”Elektricitet : Historien om universums mäktigaste kraft”

David Bodanis’s History of the Ten Commandments was published in 2014 by Bloomsbury Press.”

Curriculum on a general level

Hirsch, E. D. 2010. The Making of Americans: Democracy and Our Schools, Paperback.
”Why, after decades of commissions, reforms, and efforts at innovation, do our schools continue to disappoint us?  In this comprehensive and thought-provoking book, educational theorist E. D. Hirsch, Jr. offers a masterful analysis of how American ideas about education have veered off course, what we must do to right them, and most importantly why. He argues that the core problem with American education is that educational theorists, especially in the early grades, have for the past sixty years rejected academic content in favor of “child-centered” and “how-to” learning theories that are at odds with how children really learn”

Antonia Darder, Peter Mayo, João Paraskeva (2016). International Critical Pedagogy Reader
”Intellectually engaging and emotionally inspiring. Relevant global coverage to inform reflective practitioners, and a scholarly companion for educators motivated by social and pedagogical justice.”

Technological change and determinism
Williams, Rosalind H. (2002). Retooling: A Historian Confronts Technological Change. MA: MIT Press. [Finns som E-bok]

”In terms of useful reading, the chapter on “Technology and Community” (Ch. 4) and “Coda: Living in a Historical World” (Ch. 6) would help any Student Affairs department or division prepare for technological change. The information will provide a clear perspective that may help guide the process of change and provide a glimpse into how people will react to the changes”

Deborah G. Johnson and Jameson M. Wetmore. 2008. Technology and Society: Building Our Sociotechnical Future. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

”Technology and Society is a highly readable book, mostly useful at the undergraduate level for its applied focus on future and values”

Rachelle Gilmour. 2011. Representing the Past: A Literary Analysis of Narrative Historiography in the Book of Samuel

”Historicalfiction, historiography and reality Lowenthal and Berkhofer’s critique of objective historiography reveals that there can be many interpretations and representations of history, each stemming from a different ’voice’ or ideology” (p.22)

Research Methods in Education

Jerry Willis. Qualitative Research Methods in Education and Educational Technology


Historicism is a mode of thinking that assigns major significance to a specific context, such as historical period, geographical place and local culture. As such it is in contrast to individualist theories of knowledge such as empiricism and rationalism, which neglect the role of traditions … debates continue as to whether ahistorical and immanent methods were sufficient to understand meaning — that is to say, ”what you see is what you get” positivism — or whether context, background and culture are important beyond the mere need to decode words, phrases and references.

Historicity and Education [1]

”History is not an empirical discipline. We cannot directly observe the past. We can only indirectly observe the effects of the past. These effects generally consist of man-made materials that survive from the past: texts and artifacts (including art)”

Questions regarding historicity concern not just the issue of ”what really happened,” but also the issue of how modern observers can come to know ”what really happened”

Hall, J. (2007). Historicity and Sociohistorical Research. In W. Outhwaite, & S. Turner (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Science Methodology. (pp. 82-102). London, England: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Wandersee, J. H. (1992), The historicality of cognition: Implications for science education research. J. Res. Sci. Teach., 29: 423–434.

Historiography and understanding (Lonergan)

Thomas J. McPartland. 2010. Lonergan and Historiography: The Epistemological Philosophy of History

”Lonergan would engage, in a life-long pursuit of questions regarding the nature of understanding, the relation of understanding to experience, and the distinct criterion for concrete judgemenets. His problem-solving led him to the amazing discovery that, for Aquinas, there was a distinction not only between understanding and ”outer words” but also, more significantly, between understanding and ”inner words” (concepts)”. (in introduction)

William Mathews. Lonergan’s Quest: A study of Desire in the Authoring of Insight.

”Lonergan’s problem-solving led him eventually to four sets of major insights: that understanding requires insight into images, that insight is distinct from concepts, that reflective insights ground judgement as a virtually unconditioned and that insight into insight grasps inquiry as a structure of cognitional levels” (note number 8 of the former)

Social history and Knowledge

Benner, M. & Widmalm, S. (2011). Kunskap. (1. uppl.) Malmö: Liber.
Benner, M. (2001). Kontrovers och konsensus: vetenskap och politik i svenskt 1990-tal. Stockholm: Institutet för studier av utbildning och forskning (SISTER).

Schumpeter (19xx). Om skapande förstörelse och entreprenörskap
Alvesson, M och Sköldberg, K. (20xx). Tolkning och reflektion – vetenskapsfilosofi och kvalitativ metod


Energibranschens Utbildningsråd AB

Svenska Kraftverksföreningen

Svenska Vattenkraftsföreningens
stiftelse för tekniskt utvecklingsarbete

Brunnström, Lasse, Estetik & ingenjörskonst: den svenska vattenkraftens historia. Stockholm 2001

Brunnström, Lasse & Spade, Bengt, Elektriska vattenkraftverk: kulturhistoriskt värdefulla anläggningar 1891-1950. Stockholm 1995

Fridlund, M. (1999). Den gemensamma utvecklingen: staten, storföretaget och samarbetet kring den svenska elkrafttekniken. Diss. Stockholm : Tekn. högsk.. Eslöv.

Loock, Johan, Kraftverket i landskapet: vattenkraft i Jämtlands län under 100 år. Östersund 2002

Spade, Bengt, De svenska vattenkraftverken: teknik under hundra år. Stockholm 1999

Jan Garnert. 1989. Ljus och Kraft. Carlssons bokförlag 1989.

Alf Åberg. 1962. Från skvaltkvarn till storkraftverk. Den behandlar.Eklunds och Vasatryck Förlagsaktiebolag 1962.

George Drakos och Gilda Stiby. 1985. När elektriciteten kom. handlar om landsbygdens elektrifiering med exempel från Edsbyn i Hälsingland. Carlssons bokförlag i samarbete med Sveriges Tekniska Museum.